Today, debt service absorbs half of Nevada's budget, and40% of Michigan's. 如今,偿债支出已占到内华达州预算的半数,占到密歇根州的40%。
Cash flow on real estate is pretty much discretionary, at least after the minimum debt service charges are paid off. 房地产现金流的决定权相当之大,要求至少先支付最低的债务偿还的服务费用。
Reduced debt service payments enable companies to continue operations and hire workers. 如此一来,公司的偿债金额得到降低,使它们能够继续经营并雇佣工人。
Many companies are paying out more in debt service charges than they are taking in profits as deflation depresses the prices of the products that they produce. 许多企业要偿还的债务利息比它们的利润还多,因为通缩压低了它们产品的价格。
These and other Swiss franc borrowers now face a new deflationary shock as their local debt service and amortisation costs rise. 随着当地的偿债和摊还成本上升,这些抵押贷款的借款人以及其他借入瑞郎的人现在面临一个新的通缩冲击。
But Mr Fukuda has ruled out spending more on public works and has reaffirmed the goal reachable of attaining primary fiscal balance, before debt service, by 2011. 但福田已经排除了在公共事业方面花费更多资金的可能,而且重申了一个可能达成的目标在2011年前,实现还本付息前的初步财政平衡。
Even with interest rates as low as they are, debt service swallows roughly half of tax revenue. 尽管日本利率如此之低,偿还债务仍然吞噬了大约一半的税收。
The high levels of debt service, even with lower interest rates, will erode these countries 'ability to invest and maintain social security nets. 即便利率已降低,但高水平的偿债负担将削弱这些国家投资和维持社保的能力。
We have only to look at the debt service costs of the big, middle-income countries in Latin america. 只要看一下拉美中等收入的大国的债务支出就清楚了。
This is significant because 18 per cent of US household disposable income is already devoted to debt service. 这是个重要因素,原因在于美国家庭18%的可支配收入已专门用于偿债。
Unit labour costs are falling and the primary deficit before debt service costs is almost gone. 单位劳动力成本正在下降,基本赤字(不计入偿债成本)已几乎清零。
However, household finances have improved sharply, with debt service ratios returning to pre-crisis levels. 然而,家庭财务也大有改善,偿债率正在恢复到危机之前的水平。
Debt service coverage: Ratio of net income after taxes plus interest on long-term debt plus depreciation to debt service. 债务还本付息率:即税后净收入加长期债务利息加折旧,与债务还本付息的比率。
By issuing the IOUs for what is considered non-priority payments, including vendor bills and tax refunds, the state is taking steps to ensure debt service on California's nearly$ 70bn in general obligations bonds, Douglas Offerman, an analyst at Fitch, said. 惠誉分析师道格拉斯奥弗曼(DouglasOfferman)表示,通过为卖方账单和退税等被视为非优先支付签发欠条,加州正在采取措施,确保近700亿美元一般义务债券的偿还。
The essay gives empirical research about impacting factors of debt service of China using limited autoregressive distributed lag model. 利用有限自回归分布滞后变量模型对我国债务偿还影响因素进行了实证研究。
Debt service costs could easily be differentiated by charging states as a function of their borrowing share. 可以通过按各国借债占比分别计算的办法,轻易实现偿债成本的差别化。
The doubt, in truth, is not over whether relief on the present value of the debt service is required. 实际上,疑问不在于是否需要对还本付息的现值进行救助。
Refinancing of debt service payments product-pay-back scheme 为偿付债务开支再筹划资金以生产产品偿还的计划
Liquidity returns to the financial sector as investment or in debt service and fees. 流动性会以投资或偿债和费用的形式回到金融业。
These are just two ways of achieving a lower net present value of debt service. 这只是降低还本付息净现值的两种方式。
The forgiven debt service is a tiny percentage of the aid that flows into these countries each year. 在每年流向这些国家的援助中,减免的债务仅占很小比例。
They also swell payment flows of debt service and financial fees. 它们还会增加还本付息与金融费用的支付流。
Annuity system [ debt service] 年金制,年度还本付息制[偿债]
Deflation also drove businesses to pay down debt rather than invest, since a declining price level increases the real cost of debt service. 面对通缩,公司也选择偿还债务而不是进行投资,因为价格下跌增加了负债的实际成本。
First, sovereign debt service costs are set to soar, overshadowing those for programmes, such as environmental protection and some social services, and, unlike past successful fiscal adjustments, no country can lower interest rates as a palliative. 首先,主权债务清偿成本势将大幅上升,超过诸如环境保护和一些社会服务等项目的偿债成本。而且,不像以往那些成功的财政调整,今后没有哪个国家能够把下调利率作为一种权宜之计。
This has entailed fast growth of domestic debt and debt service, chiefly among households. 这已造成了国内债务和债务利息(主要是家庭)迅速增长的结果。
Another way to raise debt service capacities would be to increase potential growth through structural reforms. 另一条提高债务服务能力的路径是,通过结构性改革提高潜在增长率。
The borrowers may use cash or deposits with the Bank of China for debt service. 借款人可用现金或其在中国银行的存款偿还贷款本息。
Greek debt service must be put on a sustainable basis. 希腊必须将偿债负担调整到一个可持续的水平。